Accounts Receivable Finance for Law Firms


accounts receivable normal balance

A document originated by the buying business listing the quantities and condition of the goods and/or services received from a supplier. Excess of expenses over revenues for a period -expenses are greater than revenues. Cash and other assets normally expected to be converted to cash or used up usually within a year. Checks that have been processed by the bank and deducted from the bank’s customer’s account. A type of account that is included in the Balance Sheet; namely the Assets, Liabilities, and permanent Equity Accounts. Expense account used to record promotional expenditures, such as newspapers, handbills, television, radio and mail.

Net profit – Sales minus cost of sales minus all administrative and selling costs. Materiality – Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements. Invoice – A document from supplier to buyer summarising goods or services supplied and the price payable. Fixed cost – One which is not affected by changes in the level of output over a defined period of time. Fixed asset – An asset that is held by an enterprise for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes on a continuing basis in the reporting entity’s activities.

historical cost

Length of time covered by financial statements-months, quarters, and years. Purchases are an expense which would go on the debit side of the trial balance. Accounts Receivable is an asset account and is increased with a debit; Service Revenues is increased with a credit. Cash receipts appear on a financial summary as an increase to the cash account or another asset account. Many companies trade in foreign currencies, either buying fromabroad in a foreign currency or denominating sales to export customersin a foreign currency.

It must be recognised thatcredit terms are part of the firm’s marketing policy. If the trade orindustry has adopted a common practice, then it is probably wise to keepin step with it. Explain the specific factors to be considered when managing foreign accounts receivable and payable.

Deferred income

Simultaneously, they decrease either accounts receivable or another asset account. It may seem very obvious, but if cash is to be collected, then the customer must be invoiced. The receipt of your invoice is the first indication a company gets of the efficiency retail accounting of your debt collection system. If the invoice takes a long time to arrive and is not accurate, then your accounts receivable department will be viewed as inefficient and customers may seek to exploit this perceived weakness and delay payment.